The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), through S.R.O.1806(I)/2024, dated 08-11-2024, has announced amendments to the Seventh Schedule to the Companies Act, 2017, which mainly regulates different fee structures of companies, such as company name reservation fees and company registration fees etc.
A recent change to the Seventh Schedule of the Companies Act 2017 has significantly increased the registration and name reservation fees and has also introduced a new fee category/sub-item in seventh schedule. If you are looking to start a new business, our guide on Company Registration in Pakistan can help you.
Previous Fee Structure Of Company Registration
Previously, the fee for registering a company with nominal share capital up to PKR 100,000 was PKR 2,420 for online submissions and PKR 5,500 for physical submissions.
Increased Fee Of Company Registration
The updated schedule, after an increase, now sets this fee at PKR 5,500 for online submissions and PKR 10,000 for physical submissions, respectively.
Company Name Reservation Fee
Similarly, the name reservation fee has increased. Before the amendment, reserving a name for company registration cost PKR 200 for online submissions and PKR 500 for physical submissions. These fees have now risen to PKR 1,000 and PKR 2,000, respectively.
New Sub-Item in Seventh Schedule
Additionally, a new sub-item, 33A, has been introduced under item X of the Seventh Schedule of Companies Act, 2017. This specifies fees for registration as a group under the Companies Regulations, 2024. For For seeking approval, sanction, permission, exemption, direction or confirmation of the Commission etc. under Regulation 138, the fee is PKR 100,000 for online and PKR 150,000 for physical submissions. Similarly, under Regulation 140, the same fee structure applies.
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